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Contour Projectors
The mainstay of shop-floor measurement, optical comparators’ tough construction and big viewing screens make measurements fast and easy. Contour Projectors® Horizontal Optical Comparators from OGP offer the industry’s best value and performance for non-contact measurement. All OGP benchtop and floor model comparators use cutting-edge optical, lighting, and automation technologies, allowing for tight tolerances and a wide range of manufacturing process applications.
Contour projectors, a core founding technology from OGP, range from the 14-inch Focus model to the 30-inch QL-30, allowing you to choose the right comparator for your intended application. All new OGP comparators come with the latest comparator technology.

12” x 5”
Focus™ Contour Projector® systems are high quality, full-function 14” optical comparators with the most advanced technology available and offer:
Vectored light control – Versatile TruLight® LED lighting illumination
Keep lenses safe and ready for use – 3 position internal lens turret
Ideal for real world, shop floor environments in a benchtop configuration – Rigid, all steel construction and solid metal castings
Optional VidiProbe video measurement, optional motorized servo drives, and optional Projectron automatic internal edge detection
*OPTIONAL:15" x 5"

15” x 9”
The QL-20™ Contour Projector® is a precision instrument designed for the shop floor. QL-20 has extensive standard features and a range of options that allow users to configure a system to meet specific measurement needs. QL-20 has an upright and unreversed image, as well as a high load capacity, cast iron, nickel-plated worktable. The QL-20 offers:
Fast and easy measurements – Eye level 24-inch diameter glass screen with 20-inch viewing area and conveniently located DRO
Adjustable for variable intensity light control- Versatile TruLight® LED lighting illumination
Ideal for real world, shop floor environments in a benchtop configuration – High load capacity, nickel-plated worktable easily accommodates large, heavy machined parts and fixtures
Full automation – Optional VidiProbe video measurement and eCAD® virtual chart gage systems
*OPTIONAL: 15” x 10”, 18” x 9”, 18” x 10”

15” x 9”
The QL-30™ Contour Projector® is an ultra-high capacity optical comparator that offers a large, bright image and compact footprint while still being able to handle the largest, heaviest parts. With the 30-inch diameter screen at eye level and easy access to parts and fixtures and standard mercury-arc profile lighting, the QL-30 is designed to provide great performance right where it is needed. QL-30 offers:
Standard mercury-arc profile lighting and optional mercury-arc surface light
Highly accurate rotational measurements – Precise rotary screen ring
Long-term reliability – Rigid construction and heavy-duty components
Full automation – Optional VidiProbe video measurement and eCAD® virtual chart gage systems
*OPTIONAL: 15” x 10”, 18” x 9”, 18” x 10”
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